Mirrored from old Aurametrix web site Check the new site for more info.
Aurametrix is developing next-generation (Health 3.0) systems for Personal Health Management. The following Health 2.0 software tools attempt to keep track of health-related information, including food & beverage intake, medications, weight, biometric measurements, medical tests, wheezing, physical fitness, mental health, job satisfaction, mood, sleep, brain fitness, creativity, menstrual cycles, sexual life, sleep, and diaper change among other things.
Track your Foods, Exercises, Weight and Goals, body measurements, including neck, bicep, forearm, chest, waist, hip, thigh, and calf. Track your daily moods, including happiness, stress, anger, hunger, health, and mental clarity. Analyze relationships between your mood and diet. 2 million users (>4.2 mln members)
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Nutrition and exercise manager, diet diary, recipe book, diabetes log, APIs
Food Database contains nutritional information for over 55,000 foods, including generic foods, supermarket brands, ethnic foods, over 200 fast-food and restaurant chains.
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Food groups, healthy eating tips, and more
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Log food, activity, weight.
Create your diet, determine your profile & nutritional grades of foods, meet like-minded people.
88,000 foods, 199,000 recipes, 522,000 users
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Keep your food diary in pink steamer, calculate how much you should eat, exercise and life style change
Another tool, Mealographer, allows to enter multiple foods separrated by commas. See also Fatsecret,Lifemojo,
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Find detailed nutrition information, plus analysis tools developed by Nutrition Data (Estimated Glycemic Load™, IF (Inflammation Factor) Ratings™, and omega-3 to omega-6 ratios, etc) that tell you more about how foods affect your health and make it easier to choose healthy foods. | ||
Medically-based program committed to helping you eat healthier and be healthier by optimizing nutrition. For example, optimize lipid profile to slow the progression of heart disease and reduce the risk of heart attack. An option to have your favorite meals delivered
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Track your daily food intake, Create your own foods and recipes, Track exercises and log daily steps, set uphealthy lifestyle goals and track your progress. Nutritional analysis on 20+ nutrients in over 30,000 foods.
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Tweet what you eat. Maintain a food diary through SMS, IM or web.Calorie counts are suggested based on earlier entries. Check also eat.lysite, Foodpad, and other iPhone apps to eat your heart out.
Or use twitter to track your flowing data, including sleep, exercise, emotions, trips, unread e-mails and other things
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Track your weight and health notes, analyze trends, browse other accounts under fake IDs
See also Sensei, the digital weight loss coach
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An example of an off-online weight management and nutrition monitoring software - BalanceLog based upon RMR measurements from the MedGem/BodyGem device. Includes a database of over 4,000 foods and 300 exercises.
See 2009 Reviews of other downloadable packages: Fitness Products, Nutrition Products; other tools include WeightWare (weight, exercise, calories, health history),DietPower (monitor 33 nutrients in your meals), DietOrganizer (31 nutrients, 6K+ foods, 200+ exercises, spreadsheet entries, body measurements), FoodDiary (17K foods, including fast food chain restaurants), Smart Diary Suite 4, a completely customizable personal information solution with graph plotting features, and many more.
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Get a nutritional snapshot of your Safeway Store Card purchases along with healthy alternatives to your choices.
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Capture your health-related hypotheses and experiments, share them with the community and vote-up interesting and useful results.
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Track your sleep, weight, caloric intake, and exercise. Compare your symptoms and treatments for 212 conditions with the Community.
Similar to: PatientsLikeMe and other sites listed below
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Track self-assessed personal health data, share real-time information with emergency, experts and insurance contacts.
Another site allowing multiple trackers: MedHelp
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Record life's events and discover patterns with LivingTime. Import Public Event Timelines to view yourlife against the backdrop of world events. Even better, Be Like Ben, tracking Benjamin Franklin's 13 virtues for good living.
Set goals with Lifetick, remember things-to-do with reQall, Remember what's important to you with reQall ert Or just visualize and share how you are spending your time online (Nebul, Rescuetime)
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Plan and track yourexercise, drag-and-drop, add music, have fun.
Use interactive devices such asExerspy to pump up your workouts
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Track calories, fat, carbs, and protein, generate shopping lists, share diets. Plan and log cardio workouts, build muscle, meet people with same goals.
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Interactive web based training and nutrition log to help individuals achieve their goals. Interact withcoaches, trainers and dietitians, customized meal plans.
See also Skimble, or totaltrainer
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Track your health, diet, and exercise, visualize your progress.
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Track your menstrual cycles, symptoms, weight, share information with other members, set up reminders
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Use the calendar to track your cycles, notes and basal body temperature. Generate statistics and predictions about your cycles, send reminders
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Track and analyze your monthly cycles, cervical biometrics, temperature, symptoms.
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The HealthyPlace Mood Tracker tracks your sleep, weight, moods, your feelings and actions behind them. It will send an alert to your doctor or therapist or a family member, when you appear depressed or manic.
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Simply log in after every time you have sex and fill out a few fields. Measure sex quality, frequency, duration, and share it with your partner.
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Trixie Tracker helps to uncover patterns in your baby's sleep rhythms, eating and other daily activity. Track introduction of new foods, medicines, diaper changes, create snack menus, share it online.
Check also Grow with me iPhone App
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Write down your goals and dares, track your food, exercise, symptoms. Share and celebrate your accomplishments. (acquired DailyPlate)
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Keep your Bills, Tasks, Meetings, Groceries, Shopping Lists, and reminders stored in your personal calendar. Color code for quick reference.
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Monitor diet, exercise, medications, job satisfaction, menstrual cycles, sexual life, your kid’s height, and more. Share reports and pictures.
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To be launched soon: Track lab results, nutrition, appointment scheduling, interact with physicians.
Theranos is another emerging company aiming to offer better health choices. Proteus' Raisin measures when and if a patient takes their medication and tracks vital signs. PhiloMetron promises to deliver a wearable device monitoring calories: in and out, while iPod + Nike are already doing it - their way.
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One of primary care practice platforms helping doctors communicate, document, and transact with their patients in person and online. Similar tools: Vision Tree Software to make appointments thru secure messaging system, American Well with video tools,ReachMyDoctor iwith a coordinated care plan, Relay Health for health information exchanges
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Games encouraging physical activity for a healthy heart (CryptoZoo),improving lifes of young patients with chronic diseases (HopeLab), helping veterans to cope with problems (Creative Technologies)
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Compare doctors and hospitals withHospital Compare, Vitals,HealthGrades and FindaDoc. Estimate costs with New Choice Health, Healthcare Blue Book,Ventanaf manage bills with Quicken Health.
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Import your medical records, track medications, refill prescriptions online, share your health information with your care network.
See also 23andme, Navigenics for genomic data, SugarStats for diabetes, migraineliving for migrainers
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View your medical tests and medications, renew prescriptions,track allergies, manage appointments
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Track your mood, creativity, stress, sleep, love life. Compare your graphs to others.
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List your goals, share your progress, describe how you did it, cheer each other. See also manymoon.com - share google documents, tasked based emails, and team into one convenient project on the web.
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Keep track of money - The #1 cause of stress in America.
See also expensify.com - your very own online accounting department
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Keep a personalised Sporting and Fitness record: enter your results for each physicalactivity to be matched to sports, rate yourself against the mental toughness tests to find your strength and weaknesses. See what others think about you.
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alphagrade.com - Help teens take a break from facebook! AlphaGrade is a tool to link school grades and chores to their weekly allowance.
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Monitor and Track your Brain Fitness progress. Mind Sparke: Brain Fitness Pro - Software that makes you smarter. Junior and Senior Versions.Many other desktop tools are also available such as BrainFitness for up to 3 users.
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Play Brain Games, Track your Progress, Challenge Friends and make new ones.
For other health games, check this site
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Tools for nutritional support, updates on the medical news, chat rooms, message boards and support communities to share information, advice and treatment experiences.
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Facilitates doctor-patient interaction via e-mail, provides graphic representation of how patients are doing
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Microsoft HealtVault allows toorganize your health information, with everything in one place and gain insight with data that helps to make informed decisions. Can be integrated with glucometers, blood pressure monitors, weight scales. | ||
A place to document your sexual history and map sexual connections. Features "spider-web style maps" that reveal the elaborate architecture of past and present liasons.
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Applications such as Daytum help you collect, categorize and communicate your everyday data.iPhone app is also available.
OhLife e-mails back snippets of your daily logs, IOGraph tracks the path of your computer mouse and turns it into art.
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Location may be important for health outcomes. Bright kite is a location-based social network. In real time you can see where your friends are and what they're up to. Uses Google Earth and Cell Phone GPS.Foursquare makes it fun too.
You can also use Noteleaf to keep notes about your social encounters.
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iPhone/iTunes application to track bowel movements in real time. Uses Interactive Maps and Cell Phone GPS.
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GI Monitor is an iPhone/iTunes application to help IBD patients easily track their symptoms and report them back to doctors.
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IBStracker (Simple means to track symptoms and triggers related to IBS and IBD/Colitis) is available for Android (check it here). Other apps available help to interrupt the cycle of thoughts and body sensations that fuel a panic attack, and eventually IBS-related issues (Let Panic Go, available on App Store)
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A tool to track gut functioning, post BM assessments as well as other assessments of feelings and symptoms. Graphs of symptoms and a text report can be e-mailed to friends and doctors. | ||
Yet another diet and fitness tracking site on the web. With FoodScanner, a new app that scans package bar codes, calorie logging can be quicker and easier
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Wireless e-scale sends your weight online to monitor and share your progress, exercise ideas, recipes, motivate yourself and others. | ||
The Exerspy interactive system will pump up your workouts, and could make you healthy - but only if you make healthy choices by yourself. Similar: DirectLifefrom Phillips, Bodybugg. See alsoECG Necklace and Philometron
GreenGoose allows to track not only your workouts (with a credit-card sized sensor) but other activities if you stick sensors on to things like a water-bottle, toothbrush or floss
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| Track and analyze music listening histories with LastHistory. | |
| Sleep moniotring applications: Zeoheadband with a bedside display; Also: SnoreMonitor; Fitbit. | |
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